Testing Release 0.0.2

Step 1: Install & Setup

Follow these step-by-step instructions to quickly install the QPilot WC plugin and connect your test site with QPilot.

Estimated time: 3-5 minutes

Step 2: Features

Now that you’re connected, it’s time to check out what your website can do!

Each new feature is documented with clear instructions for how to use and test each feature:

  • Feature 1: Merchant Website
    • A simple website that enables QPilot users to view their integrated sites, and configure settings & integrations applied to Scheduled Orders
  • Feature 2: Payments
    • Enable simple integrations with two of the most popular payment gateways in WooCommerce: Stripe and Authorize.Net CIM.
  • Feature 3: Shipping Rates
    • Enable flat-rate or free shipping rates applied exclusively to Scheduled Orders.  Apply conditions like “minimum price” or “minimum cycles” to incentivize order volume and customer loyalty!
  • Feature 4: Tax Rates
    • Set up basic tax rates and locations to apply taxes to scheduled orders

Estimated time: 15 minutes

And don’t forget the features from Release 0.0.1!


Step 3: Feedback

We Need Your Feedback to Make QPilot Amazing!

Once you’ve tested Release 0.0.2, please complete this feedback survey:

Release 0.0.2 Feedback

The survey includes just 3-4 short questions about each feature in the release and provides optional questions asking for additional feedback as well!

Estimated Time: 3-5 minutes

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